who we are

In Words of Our

“I have been working on the traditional fishing business since 1985.

In 2008 I had the privilege of meeting the Mar Viva Foundation, with the project “Development of entrepreneurial capabilities of the coastal population of Peninsula de Osa”. I participated as beneficiary in this project, which helped me to promote the creation of this ecosustainable enterprise, taking full advantage of the acquired knowledge in my marine experiences.

Currently, Gurrión Tour is a profitable family company focused on ecotourism, working with the natural treasures of the area.”

– Fernando Monge

Our main goal

We focused on the development of eco-tourism, allowing people to visit and enjoy the attractions of our country. Our main goal is the satisfaction of our customers.

This team is very high-level: certified professionals with many years of experience as sailors and tour guides.

The staff offers human quality and desire for service, ensuring a personalized attention for a high-grade experience.


  • Coastal Navegation
  • Basic First Aid
  • Tourists and Management Guide
  • Basic Navigation Pattern
  • MarViva Certification
  • Prevention and Fight Against Fire
  • Marine Cetacean Watching Certification (MINAET)
  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Basic boarding
  • Tourist Guide in the Pacific Area
  • Personal Safety and Social responsabilities